Loan Rates

Loans and Lines of Credit

Juggling life while managing your finances can be hard. A Libro Coach can help set you on the right track no matter your borrowing needs.

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Libro Prime Rate: 4.950%

All rates are subject to change without notice.

Coaching Advice

A consumer loan could be right for you if you need peace of mind when repaying debt, with a personalized Coach by your side.

Coaching Advice

A consumer loan could be right for you if you need peace of mind when repaying debt, with a personalized Coach by your side.

MeritLine (Home Equity line of credit) from
Personal Loans from
Overdraft Protection – up to $5,000
Rates offered on approved credit only.
Rates offered on approved credit only.

Auto and Student Loan Options

A person working at a laptop with a credit card

Student Loans

Libro has financing options to help cover the costs of post-secondary education for students in university, college and apprenticeship programs. The Student Line is a line of credit where students may borrow up to $6,000 per year (part-time) or $12,500 per year (full-time), subject to credit approval. It can be customized so students only borrow what they need, when they need it. Students must prove part-time or full-time enrollment to qualify (an approved co-borrower may be required), and interest is paid monthly, with principal repayments starting one year aſter leaving school.

Find out more 

Father and children in front of a sport utility vehicle

Auto Loans

Auto installment loans help you finance the purchase of your dream car. You repay it by regular blended payments over an agreed term. Libro offers variable or fixed interest rates, a choice of payment options, and flexible repayment options (including six and seven year vehicle loans for new or nearly new vehicles).

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Related Resources

Hands giving keys to car
Hands giving keys to car

Loan Options

Looking for more information? Read about the different loans available.

Woman and child pointing to calculator
Woman and child pointing to calculator


Explore calculators to understand different loan scenarios. 

Man sitting on books looking at laptop learning
Man sitting on books looking at laptop learning

 Read our Loan Blogs

Looking for advice specific to you? Check out our Making Cents of Money blog.

Libro Owner Lori and Coach Jennifer

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Speak with a Libro Coach today to learn more about your loan options.

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